some of our


The CEEN has developed various short term and long term proposals waiting to be supported from philanthropic individuals and institutions, corporate houses, etc. All projects are geared towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

17 July, 2020

After studying the schools and institutions where various clubs for environmental activities took place, the CEEN developed a… 

29 June, 2020

The CEEN extended its expertise in the training for teachers organized by the central zoo for two times. The training was able to inform the teachers on conservation education and the way this element could be integrated in….

5 May, 2020

The CEEN has been able to organize various campaigns, cleanup activities and competitions among the school teachers, students and staff…

17 July, 2020

David Welton came to Nepal in 2005 under the travelling fellowship program from Winston Churchill in the UK, mainly to develop a documentary on dragonflies. The CEEN was involved very much in it making, using school… 

29 June, 2020

With support from Oyster Worldwide, two schools at Lakuri Bhanjyang in Lalitpur were given a small support. At Basuki school, science lab equipment were given, and at Phedi school, fencing was provided for the school. This….

5 May, 2020

A project titled, “Involving Schools and Communities in Environmental Care and Sustainable Socio-economic Development” supported by Rufford Small Grants Foundation, UK, was implemented in five community……..

17 July, 2020

The CEEN developed a training module for instructors from ten selected Community Learning Centres (CLCs) from around the country, supported by the National Commission for UNESCO. The same was …… 

29 June, 2020

With support from Future for Nepal, a one year community development education project was implemented successfully in two schools of Lamatar, Lalitpur. The teachers were trained and the students did a lot of research on their..

5 May, 2020

With the experience from education program in community schools, with support from Helvetas Intercooperation Nepal, the CEEN launched a four year pilot Climate Change Adaptation Education Program in 13 schools of Ramechhap and Sindhupalchok district, between June 2011-June 2015. The same was extended to two schools in Dailekh, as an education support to the WARM-P project of..

17 July, 2020

A proposal is being made for developing a music album to educate the masses on environmental sustainability and climate change adaptation. People working for music and songs are being consulted.

29 June, 2020

Some work needs to be undertaken to explore the possibility of getting support from corporate houses, Airlines, Business houses, etc. These institutions will be approached appropriately for support.

5 May, 2020

Since its establishment, the CEEN has been developing some resource materials. They are not published but can be refined and published. Therefore, with the increased manpower, this work will be materialized.

17 July, 2020

Materials will be produced with the environmental message, “I Care My Earth”


29 June, 2020

Act Now Mobile Exhibition’ is an attempt to create awareness about some of the things that individuals can do in their everyday lives to actively improve the environment, or reduce their negative impact on it. The mobile exhibits will draw examples to demonstrate how every one of us can do something that can tackle 

5 May, 2020

By renovating and protecting patches of remaining forests they could be turned into beautiful and miniature conservation areas

17 July, 2020

Two-three day Teachers Training Workshop package is at the weekends. The training will cover the understanding of the environment in totality, ideas about integration of EE/ESD into the curriculum, lesson extension, and …

29 June, 2020

Three members from CEEN attended the Advanced Training on Education for Sustainable Development in formal Education, in Sweden and India. A member attended the international ITP alumni workshop and 4th International Conference on EE in India (2007) and a Workshop in Visby, Sweden (November

5 May, 2020

Support was extended by the CEEN members to Mr. David Welton, who was in Nepal with support from Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to make an educational film on dragonflies in Nepal, in June-July 2005. The ..

17 July, 2020

The CEEN has brought together a number of non-government organisations from the UK and Nepal to collaborate on a program called “Learning for a Change Nepal”. School systems which year upon year transmit chunks of knowledge from teacher to student and measure performance …

29 June, 2020

 in which CEEN volunteers are conducting EE/ESD awareness classes for senior students of schools . The main objective is to create environmental awareness among school/college going students for a positive…

5 May, 2020

 among the school/college students for environmental awareness: Painting, Photography, short documentary on environment. (Budget required: NRs. 50-100,000) for each category…

5 April, 2020

To promote environmental awareness among the decision makers, public, business community, consumers and youth…

10 March, 2020

CEEN intends to conduct a two day reorientation on EE/ESD for teachers, once a month for thirty teachers in each program..

3 March, 2020

The CEEN intends to start a fund raising campaign by making usable items for sale, with environmental messages. They can be caps, cups and mug      s, school bags, pencils and pens, T-shirts, etc.

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